Thursday, August 20, 2009


Tiffany is a Rock Star. Truth is that ALL God's people are rock stars, but few of us actually believe it. When I met Tiffany she hoped she could be a rock star but she did not believe it. Yet she knew she had talent. So naturally she signed up for Capernaum Idol.

This video was shot on Day 2, during Field Games. I love this because it shows Tiffany busting out some of her amazing moves, but also because of the Buddy who passes by. Watch her.

Tiffany is dancing completely on her own in front of the program sound cart, looking up at Sugar Shane and Spicey Momma, hoping for some recognition. As she turns to her right, a Buddy appears on the left and dances in perfect rhythm with Tiffany, in tandem, on the same team.

Tiffany is not even aware of her, doesn't even know she's been there. To me this was just a magical moment at Camp. There is something so profound here and I'm not really sure I can accurately voice it. That beautiful Buddy became one with Tiffany, even though she was not invited or even noticed by her. This says that we all can join another at whatever they are doing whenever they are doing it as a way to say, "you matter."

By matching Tiffany in her dance moves this Buddy showed the entire field of people that Tiffany is awesome and is such a great dancer she can't stop herself from dancing with her. I don't know what she was thinking, but I think the Holy Spirit inspired her.

We tend to think that the Holy Spirit will only get involved in our lives in huge and important ways, but I say no. I say the spirit of God is ALWAYS with us, always nudging us, always pushing us to be led by that spirit, the inner part of us that was made by God himself.

This video shows God's Holy Spirit busting out a move. Pretty cool if you ask me.


Tiffany did go on to win Capernaum Idol. But after the first round she was walking away down the sidewalk by herself. I called her a Rock Star and the campers with me agreed. She turned around and said, "Do you really mean it?" We said we really did. She said, "Thanks for telling me that, because I felt so bad I was going to go back to my room and cry."

God takes people like Tiffany who feel they don't deserve an award and crowns them with his love and talents and gifts. Tiffany is a Rock Star. God's Rock Star!

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