Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lost Canyon Beautiful People

This video was taken at the start of the Field Games on Day 2 at Lost Canyon Young Life Camp near Flagstaff, Arizona. Being the normal caring and quiet fellow that I am, I naturally shouted to wake everyone up and get them "ready" for the video. Not that they needed me to do that, mind you. They were plenty ready. They just didn't know quite what was going on.

The games were still being organized and they.... well they were standing around looking swank in their various team outfits. We're talking coolness manifesto or even worse. Or better if you want to go that way. Maximo Swanko Importanto, which translates as, "Most Awesome."

This particular group was from Phoenix, under the spell of Mr. David Thames. Thus their rather outlandish outfits and whacky attitude. The Toucan hats, the leis, grass skirts all were quite nice. But it was their ATTITUDE that heaped on the final helping of excellence and Swank. Soon as I called them out watch the dudes pose and flash, then bust out a few moves right there on the grass in their.... grass skirts.

Now lot of guys would have trouble looking sway in grass skirts but these dudes owned them. Then when the rest realized I was videotaping they came in to do closeup posing. These dudes can pose better than most posers. They know how.

Note the finger hanging over the edge of my iPhone. Accident? Posed of course.

First the guys busting it out front then through the web to the rear where the girls quietly waited for the right time to bust THEIR moves and if not, to watch the boys do their silly things. Oh those crazy boys they say but they love the boys and can't take their eyes off of them. Who can blame them? A big hand wave and we're done. Just a touch of Lost Canyon...

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