On March 10th of 2009 I got the letter you see displayed from a young girl named Lilly. I met her at Club, where she had come with her family to participate in Capernaum.
Being a completely grown man of 50, I did my best to act my age and then failed miserably. Truth is that Lilly was the mature one, so I set out to prove it. When I found out that her name was Lilly, I told her that was not possible. She assured me that it was and so I took out my phone and showed her the photo of the one and only Lili- my granddaughter.
I told her she would have to change her name and she laughed. She actually laughed at me like that was the funniest thing she had ever heard. And of course it was.
In that funny moment we became friends and would never forget each other. Lilly went home and subsequently celebrated her birthday (March 2) on March 7. But since she was part of the Birthday Club, where they accept gifts for others in lieu of themselves, Lilly decided to ask her friends to bring money for Capernaum. She raised $206 and sent it to me along with the letter.
Here is what she wrote in case you cannot read the letter:
Mr. Koehler,
Hello, its Lilly! March 2nd was my birthday but, we had the party on the 7th. I participated in the birthday club which is when instead of gifts you ask for donations. The donations will go to the charities or organizations of your choice. I have chosen Young Life Capernaum. I'm so joyful to have collected $206.00 for Young Life Capernaum because I think it is important to teach everyone about God! I hope this contribution helps you continue to do the work you do best!
Your Friend,
(not your granddaughter)
I loved this letter so much that I posted it here for all the world to see. Lilly's heart is JOYFUL to give and she is happy to help Capernaum, even if it means giving up on her own presents. Hobbits give gifts to their friends on their birthdays, so I think Miss Lilly must be a Hobbit. So I name her a Friend of Hobbits and Humans alike, plus Elves and Leprechauns and all the Little People of the world, make believe and believed.
Though she is not my granddaughter, we are fast friends and there is nothing you can do about it. So snip snap snout, this tail's told out!
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