Friday, August 21, 2009

Everybody Perfect

Brett Matthew Figgins is a cool dude, as can be plainly seen in the video above. We were at the Grand Canyon on the same day that Michael Jackson died. I love this video. The juxtaposition of a God made natural wonder man and a God made natural wonder. Grand Brett and the Grand Canyon.

Nick Palermo had arranged to bring the entire camp of 400+ people from Lost Canyon to the Grand Canyon. It was such a great and profound illustration of God's power, and allowed us to point to the Canyon and to the campers as perfect examples of the power and love that God put into his Creation. It was a gift.

Some people say that the people of Capernaum, that is people with disabilities, do not get it. I sometimes wonder what "it" is that they think we should get. We may not get everything, especially some things that require lots of brain power or things that are theological in nature. Translated to mean complicated and difficult.

But God's Creation is not difficult to get and his love for us was never meant to be complicated but simple in the very best sense of the word. Brett expresses the simplicity of God's creation and why he did what he did: for our sake as well as His.

I would put Brett up on the same level as the finest theologian. God said to go out and make disciple of all nations, all people, everywhere. So why not Brett? He helps me believe in a loving God and that God made us all, each and every one of us, part of His creation. For his sake and for ours.

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